All reviewing assignments are stored in Award Management Dashboard. The left panel displays the list of award cycles. By clicking on the selected award cycle, the middle panel provides all the applications submitted for the selected award cycle. In the right panel you can expand the details of the application in order to see the information and the files, the applicant has submitted. 

If you wish to leave a comment that would only be visible to the System Administrator, use Reviewer Comment section available in the review form.

However, if you wish to join a discussion of the application with other reviewers, please use Discussion section available right next to the Reviewer Comment. You will be able to view other reviewers’ comments here, and your comments will be visible to them.

Once you have finished reviewing the submitted materials, it is time to rank applications based on their suitability to receive the award. 

1. Please drag and drop the applications into order by rank in the middle panel. The most suitable application should go to the top of the list. 

2. When you are satisfied with the way the applications have been ranked, click on Commit This Ranking button to record ranking. 

3. Once the ranking is committed, order will be locked in place and you will receive a confirmation email.

Change Ranking button can reactivate ranking option, in case you wish to change ranking of the applications. In order to record the changes, please click Commit This Ranking button again.